Just Observations

In Delhi, bill boards have been banned long back because apparently these distract the drivers leading to accidents. Whereas, in the other metropolitan of India, Mumbai, wherever you go much larger than life bill boards haunt you. Does that mean Mumbai drivers belong to a different specie than the Delhi drivers. A specie which doesn't get distracted by the big and shiny bill boards?

In India and abroad, it's very fashionable to say "I am an animal lover". However, 99% of the time by animals they imply dogs and cats.They give details of their kindness how they adopt stray dogs, take injured dogs to vets and what not. These "animal lovers" never hesitate in eating other killed animals or wearing skin of dead animals. I can never get this hypocrisy.

I have this question popped up in mind now. Do writers enjoy their own work? I mean they obviously enjoy writing after all that’s why they have become writer. But what about reading and enjoying their own work? Does a painter enjoy her/his own painting? (S)he may have the satisfaction of having a job well done but does (s)he get the pleasure of seeing a great picture? I think a film director may enjoy her/his movies because movie is a joint venture showcasing talents of many people.